Parish Enrolment

The Holy Trinity Catholic Parish  (previously Parish of Laverton) comprises three schools within the Parish boundary. The Parish is in a major growth corridor in the Western suburbs of Melbourne and each school has a catchment/containment area (zone).

The three schools in Point Cook which make up the Holy Trinity Parish are Lumen Christi, Stella Maris and St Mary of the Cross.  Please check zoning below.

Lumen Christi 

Stella Maris

St Mary of The Cross

Lumen Christi Applications will be considered in the following priority order:


Enrolments for Prep 2026 will launch on Tuesday 18th March at 7pm at Lumen Christi with a presentation and open for enrolments on Wednesday 19th March. 

Parents/Guardians/Carers should complete the online application with all the required documentation. There is a $50 non-refundable application fee for all Prep 2026 applications. 

2026 Prep School Tours will be held on Wednesday 4th June 2025 at 9.15am and at 10.15am.

Prep Enrolments for 2026 close on Thursday 24th April, 2025.

Enrolment for all year levels for 2025 are OPEN however we have a waitlist in most year levels.

1. Application

To apply for a position (Prep to Grade 6) at Lumen Christi, fill out the online form  APPLY HERE

2. Interview

Families may be invited to an enrolment interview with the Principal or Deputy Principals. 

For Prep 2026 the enrolment interviews will take place on 28th, 29th 30th and 31st July 2025 (9:00am to 1:00pm)


3. Offer

The offer of a place at any of the Parish Schools will be forwarded to the successful applicant for Prep 2026 on the 22nd August. Subsequent second round offers may be forwarded depending upon availability.


Families of all other year levels will be notified shortly after the interview if a place is available.

All places are offered at the Principal’s discretion.

4. Acceptance

Prep 2026 families must return the Enrolment Acceptance documentation to the School along with $250 enrolment acceptance fee by the 12th of September.


All other families must return the Acceptance by the dates specified on the documentation.

5. Transition

Lumen Christi will have three Prep 2026 Transition/Orientation days.

Day One: 6th November at 9:15am - 10:30am

Day Two: 27th November at 9:15am - 10:30am

Day Three: 10th December 9.15am - 11.00am (Orientation Day -Meet the Teacher)

Lumen Christi will have three Prep 2026 Play Dates.

Day One: 18th August, 2.15pm - 3.00pm (Maths focus)

Day Two: 1st September, 2.15pm - 3.00pm (Book Week Dress Up)

Day Three: 6th October, 2.15pm - 3.00pm (Wellbeing/Sport)

For any enquiries please contact the School Office:


Telephone: 9395 2555

Office hours: 8:30am - 4:00pm daily

Closed during School Holidays

2025 Prep Students -Timeline

18th March - 2026 Prep Enrolment Launch

24th April - Closing date for 2026 Prep Applications

3rd June - School Tour (9.15am and 10.15am)

28th - 31st July - Lumen Christi Interviews completed

18th August - Lumen Christi Play Date One 2.15pm - 3.00pm (Maths focus)

22nd  August - Enrolment Offer sent

1st September - Lumen Christi Play Date Two 2.15pm - 3.00pm (Book Week Dress Up)

12th September - Enrolment Offer Acceptance and Payment due

6th October - Lumen Christi Play Date Three 2.15pm - 3.00pm (Wellbeing/Sport focus)

6th November - Lumen Christi Transition Day One (9:15am - 10:30am)

27th November - Lumen Christi Transition Day Two (9:15am - 10:30am)

10th December - Lumen Christi Orientation Day (9.15am - 11.00am)