Learning and Teaching
Lumen Christi is a Catholic inclusive education community where all members are respected, cared for and have a strong sense of belonging. We believe that we are all unique in our ability to learn and we can all experience success. Learning and Teaching at Lumen Christi provides a collaborative environment which empowers students to reach their full potential with a broad, comprehensive and well-balanced curriculum. We endeavor to meet the needs of our students and our community with a contemporary, engaging, creative and responsive curriculum that provides for and encourages the full and rounded development of all students. We are committed to each student’s intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical and psychological growth and ultimate well being.
Through a curriculum that integrates faith and life, engaging learning experiences, varied teaching approaches and feedback, students will develop the necessary skills to contribute as active and socially just citizens.
Continuous learning with a clear purpose and connection to the real world is critical to developing the capabilities, dispositions and literacies required to live full lives in diverse communities and deal with issues and change in the twenty-first century.
(Contemporary Learning for the 21st Century. (Sacred Landscape)
We believe in and are dedicated to developing and nurturing a sense of curiosity, and life-long learning. (Lumen Christi School Vision)
We believe people learn best when they make connections between their prior knowledge and life experiences.
We believe people learn best when the learning is purposeful, authentic and related to real life contexts.
We believe people learn best when they have time to practise and apply new learning in a variety of ways.
We believe people learn in a variety of ways and at different rates.
We believe people learn best when they take responsibility and ownership for their learning.
We believe people learn best when they have high expectations and believe they can succeed.
We believe people learn best by building and developing positive and respectful relationships.
We believe fundamental to improving student outcomes: is learning and teaching, curriculum and assessment.
Learning and Teaching at Lumen Christi is committed to providing quality learning and teaching for every student. Integral to this is a positive learning environment, innovative curriculum, flexible and current learning and teaching, assessment and reporting.
Positive Learning Environment
An organised, welcoming and caring environment that builds positive relationships and further learning opportunities
Students, parents and teachers work in partnership in line with the school’s mission and vision
Promotes a culture of value and respect for individuals