School Uniform Policy  

At Lumen Christi Catholic Primary School, all children must wear the school uniform. The uniform should be worn neatly as an indication of pride in our school.

As a general guide, we ask that the Summer uniform be worn during Terms 1 & 4. School Hats are compulsory in Term 1 & 4. The Winter uniform should be worn during Terms 2 & 3.

However, we strongly suggest to parents that they have their child wear the uniform which is most comfortable for any particular day; we are part of Melbourne after all ~ where we can experience two seasons in the one day!

If parents have any concerns regarding the interpretation of the school uniform requirements, please seek the advice of the Class Teacher, Office Staff, Principal or Deputy Principals.

Other Points:

Lumen Christ School Uniforms can be purchased from: 

DCS Uniforms

Unit 13, 32-42 Aberdeen Road, Altona, Vic, 3018

 Ph: (03) 9398 - 2222 

Bookings can be made here

DCS Uniform Price List

Preloved Uniforms

Preloved uniforms are available to purchase through the school. 2024 Dates 

Summer Uniform

Summer Sports Uniform

Winter Uniform

Winter Sports Uniform