Education In Faith

At Lumen Christi Catholic Primary School we believe that the Catholic faith and its traditions are central to the purpose of our school, whilst recognising and respecting our multi-faith community. Religious Education permeates all areas of school life, in an environment conducive to the development of a personal relationship with God. The aim of our Religious Education Program is to develop within each child an awareness of God in:

and to create an environment conducive to the development of religious faith. We achieve this by providing the opportunity for personal growth in faith through the Tradition of the Catholic Church: Scripture, Prayer, Sacraments, Liturgy and teachings. 

Curriculum Planning and Assessment

Staff Formation

Prayer, Liturgy and Sacramental Program

Links to the Parish, wider community and Social Justice

Faith Based Inquiry

At Lumen Christi, we work together in developing Catholic Identity through Faith Based Inquiry.

This style of learning engages learners hermeneutically through the Catholic Tradition by providing opportunities to make deeper connections with our learning across the curriculum, exploring scripture and taking action within the broader community.

Social Justice

As a Catholic school, we believe it is a necessary response to the Gospel call of Jesus to build a more just and fair world.

Consequently, our Faith and Life Inquiry program places a strong emphasis on Social Justice; the belief that all people have a right to live with dignity and an equal share of the world’s resources.

Each Faith and Life Inquiry has a Social Justice component. From Prep to Year 6, students are inspired to “take action” in either a local or global context. At the local level, students can contribute to St Vincent de Paul and, at the global level, students support Caritas.

One of the key resources in the education of students in Social Justice is the Caritas Australia website. Through this website, students are introduced to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and Project Compassion, which is an annual campaign to raise awareness and money to end poverty.


The children celebrate the following Sacraments at Lumen Christi:

Reconciliation in Year 3

Eucharist in Year 4

Confirmation in Year 6 


It is important that the children are baptised first if they are wishing celebrate one or all of these Sacraments.

If you would like your child to be baptised please contact the parish office:


Telephone: +61 3 9369 6877 

Reconciliation -    Thursday, 31st October, 2024 

  10:00am at Lumen Christi

Eucharist -    Sunday, 18th August, 2024

  9:00am & 11:00am at Stella Maris Parish Centre  

Confirmation -      Saturday, 22nd June, 2024

2:00pm & 4:00pm at Lumen Christi